Our pets are extensions of ourselves and our family.

At RORY'S APAWTHECARY, we understand the deep and unconditional love that pet parents have for their furry children, and the trust that pets have in their humans to give them best care in all fronts: food, exercise, play, groom, and sleep.

We believe that if given the choice, pet parents would choose what is best for their pets- just as they would choose what is best for themselves and the rest of their human family. While there are so many natural options for humans, we wondered why the same options are not as widely available for pets?

RORY'S APAWTHECARY was developed out of the desire to create pet care products that are just as good for pets as they are for humans. The standard should not be any different! 

With Rory as our inspiration and our forever muse, we created a brand that is safe and non-toxic. Products that actually do GOOD for our beloved furry ones. We work with nature to responsibly make safe and better alternatives to help any dog no matter what they might be going through.




Rory the American Cocker Spaniel. The happiest soul.

She had every shade of color possible on her fur, and hair so soft it was impossible not to want to touch her when you passed her. Rory was complimented endlessly for her coat and how nice she smelled and of course we'd answer with RORY'S APAWTHECARY!

Adopted in New York City, Rory explored her way from New York to Abu Dhabi with her big expressive kind eyes and nose stuck to the floor. She needed to know every smell in every corner. 

Rory attracted attention everywhere she went but nothing phased her. All she cared about was to be by her human's side. And of course to make sure that the birds and the community duck knew their place. She loved chasing birds, running off leash doing zoomies, and catching balls high up in the air. Tennis balls were her absolute favorite.

The freckles on her face, her big round paws, and the sound of her bark... we will forever miss and remember our very special angel Rory.

While Rory may not be on Earth catching balls and begging for treats anymore, her legacy lives on and we hope RORY'S APAWTHECARY brings you as much joy and love as Rory has brought to our lives.

Love forever, RORY

(19 May 2016 - 14 August 2021)


If you or anyone you know is experiencing pet loss, we are here for you.